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Private Factory for Electrical Transformers

Project Summary

Starting 2021 on a high note, Misr for Engineering Works took on a notably weighty role in the production facilities sector, supplying a private factory for electrical transformers with a wide variety of MFEW’s very own signature products.

The supplied equipment included one 5-ton double girder EOT, two 10-ton double girder EOTs, one 4-ton single girder EOT, and one 2-ton single EOT, all joining forces to support the manufacturing, production, and maintenance of electrical transformers with all their efforts and capabilities, including the manufacturing and maintenance of renewable energy.

Project Info


Production Facilities

Date excuted:

February 2021


Manufacturing, production, and maintenance of electrical transformers with all their efforts and capabilities, manufacturing and maintenance of renewable energy equipment, appliances and equipment.


Summary of Supplies

Double Girder EOT
5 ton ; 10 ton
1 ; 2
Single Girder EOT
4 ton ; 2 ton
1 ; 1
Jib Crane
Gantry Crane