تخطى الى المحتوى

New Cairo Water Intake Project

ملخص المشروع

During the first quarter of 2019, Misr for Engineering Works was hard at work in New Cairo’s Water Intake Project, involving instituting a full water treatment plan that is today considered the largest in the Middle East.

Encompassing boosters, pumping stations, transmission lines, and the water treatment plant itself, the scheme required a tremendous number of resources to come about, among which were Misr for Engineering Works’ steel cantilevers along with runway beams that were supplied and installed for cranes.

Over and above that, our infamous 5-ton and 10-ton double girder EOTs were heavily involved in the process to ensure greater capacity and lifespan for the project. That was all with a goal of continuously and effectively supply water to around 5 million residents in New Cairo and the Administrative New Capital.

معلومات المشروع


معالجات المياه

تاريخ استبعاده:

March 2019


Pumping stations, transmission lines, and water treatment plant, which is considered the largest in the Middle East - Steel cantilevers along with runway beams were supplied and installed for the cranes

حلقة الوصل:

ملخص التوريدات

العارضة المزدوجة EOT
5 طن
عارضة واحدة EOT
10 طن
الجيب كرين
رافعة جسرية