تخطى الى المحتوى

محطة تحلية مياه البحر بالتناضح العكسي

ملخص المشروع

In September 2016, Misr for Engineering Works successfully played a vital part in constructing the first mega SWRO of its kind in Egypt, Al Yousr SWRO. 

Al Yousr SWRO was launched by the Egyptian Government as an integrated solution for the potable water shortage crisis in the city of Hurghada. It utilizes two pass systems with a total capacity of 80000 m3/day, a capacity that’s sufficient enough to serve a population of +500,000 residents. 

Misr for Engineering Works was responsible for the successful execution of the lifting processes for the whole project. What makes our work stand out in terms of quality and speed was our 30+ meters span double girder crane in two parts connected with our own design for bolted connection. 

Beside that, we utilize our Double girder EOT with capacity up to 10 tons, our Single Girder EOT with capacity up to 5 tons, and other supporting lifting equipment that were – all together –  key factors for the project progress.

معلومات المشروع


Water treatment plant - desalination

تاريخ استبعاده:

September 2016


30+ meters span double girder crane in two parts connected with our own design for bolted connection.

حلقة الوصل:

ملخص التوريدات

العارضة المزدوجة EOT
عارضة واحدة EOT
up to 5 ton
up to 3 ton
الجيب كرين
رافعة جسرية