تخطى الى المحتوى

Al Hammam Water Treatment Plant

ملخص المشروع

Proudly, MISR for Engineering Works has significantly taken part in launching the New Delta project, specifically the establishment of El-Hammam Water Treatment Plant with a 7,500,000 M3/day capacity.

Our superior lifting equipment has contributed in this huge venture with the following:

● 104 x Jib cranes – various capacities
● 12 x 10 Ton Single-girder cranes
● 5 x 3.2 Ton Single-girder cranes
● 1 x 16 Ton Double-girder crane

This New Delta project is aiming to provide many solutions to overpopulation and unemployment, as well as reclaiming agricultural lands and compensating the loss of overbuilding.

We’re extremely glad with this collaboration and the level of professionalism our entity provides.

معلومات المشروع


Waste water plant

تاريخ استبعاده:

May 2023


A 500,000-acre reclamation project in the south of Dabaa axis

حلقة الوصل:

ملخص التوريدات

العارضة المزدوجة EOT
16 Ton
عارضة واحدة EOT
10, 3.2 Ton
12, 5
الجيب كرين
1, 2 Ton
93, 9
رافعة جسرية